Takeaways from Natalija Hellesø talk at the Agile People Sweden Conference 2018
Takeaways from Natalija Hellesø talk at the Agile People Sweden Conference 2018
Some takeaways from Natalija Hellesø talk at the Agile People Sweden Conference 2018.
- Factors that need to be considered while promoting learning in an organization: length of career is 60 to 70 years, average tenure in a job is 4.5 years, the half-life of a learned skill is 5 years
- Six trumps that make learning stick: movement trumps sitting, talking trumps listening, images trump words, writing trumps reading, shorter trumps longer, different trumps same
- Good next read for better training results “Training From the Back of the Room!: 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn”
- Learning is still about acquiring knowledge, working hard to achieve something in a certain area, degrees, and certifications, or about an expert standing in front of you telling you what is best!
- The world of work is about putting things into practice, sharing knowledge with others to achieve results, it’s about getting things done
- As long as you keep learning and working separate, continuous learning will not improve in the organization
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