Motivators in Disruptive Change - the Reiss Approach
Talk Title: Motivators in Disruptive Change - the Reiss Approach
Date: May 25, 2018
Location: Altran Lindholmen Office, Theres Svenssons Gata 7, 417 55 Göteborg
Speaker: Petra Laurell
Talk Summary
By understanding the components of loving leadership and the intensity and prioritization of 16 universal driving forces in humans, we can meet the needs of individuals and teams when embarking on a disruptive change (be it a process change or a business transformation).
This talk gives an in-depth walk-through Reiss Motivation Profile; a precise tool for understanding and motivating people.
Speaker Bio
Petra Laurell works with developing leaders, teams, and organizations. She is a certified team coach, ACC coach, certified Reiss Motivation Master coach, and HRV Coach. She has a passion for loving leadership and youth sports. Petra is also a seasoned speaker and a writer.